SOS Children’s Village in Somaliland supports young people in Somaliland to be resilient and self-reliant to become independent and contributing members of society with a special focus on youth leaving care under Leave No Youth Behind Project.
This project contribute to the realization of a better society where young people are self-reliant and depend on their own powers, resources and abilities to meet their needs and manage their own affairs. We aspire to make young people resilient to adversities/challenges in life and capable to withstand and recover quickly from difficult conditions.
Though (Policy influence, lobbying and advocacy, awareness raising, social protection schemes, youth engagements, Forums, Skill development, Grants, capacity building, and research publications).
Youth Leaving Care (15 – 24 years) who are in the process of leaving care or who have recently (within the past 36 months).
Children in the RCC or other forms of AC who are planned to exit the care setting in the near future
Staff from the Ministry of Employment, Social Affairs and Family (MESAF) & MoYS – (Social Workers, Para-Professionals, and Mental Health Professionals).
Residential Car Centers (RCC) Workforce (RCCs Caregivers, social workers & Management) from all the six regions of the country.